Friday, May 9, 2008

Going The Distance....

iPods are undoubtably bringing us closer to our favourite songs and muscians but in retrospect they are distancing us from each other. iPods are filling the space where interpersonal relationships and communication used to be. The emotions we experiance can now be shared with a "piece" of technology we hold in our hands. If we are feeling sad who better to share it with than a song that gets to the depth to our saddness. If we are feeling happy there is nothing better than the latest pop song. And of course there are those moments when you literally could kill because you are so angry and who better to listen to then Metallica, they really understand what anger means! With all these understanding songs that don't judge why do you need to interact with other people?

This loss of interaction can also be seen in many day-to-day activities. In the past people would get together at the end of the day and enjoy their evening exercise with a festive group of runners, which made running more social and enjoyable. Nowadays people run with their iPod. People argue that running with their iPod gives them "me" time but infact it gives them time with their the new best friend. Why would anyone want to run with people and hear about their lives when they could run with their iPods and be totally focussed on themselves? iPodslisten and understand far better than an actual person and of course they will never tell you that you are wrong or judge you in any way.

This separation of people can also be seen when people travel on the tubes. Thousands of people a day are sitting in close proximity to each other and yet they know nothing about each other. They may catch eye contact but thats as far as it gets as they quickly turn their attention to their iPods put on their music and sit in their own world for the reaminder of the journey. iPods in this sense are distancing people not in literally but metaphorically.

Although iPods have transformed how we listen to music at the same time they also are affecting how we interact with each other, or should i say how we don't interact with each other!

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