Friday, March 14, 2008

When apples where things we ate?

In my lifetime how we listen to music has been revolutionised. I remember the days of walkmans and tapes and then came discmans and CD's and now we can fit thousands of songs in the palm of our hand. iPods have changed how we listen to music, how we gain access to music and the cost of music. iPods have the ability to carry around your entire collection of music, videos and photos in your pocket. Long gone are the days of scratched CD's that cost a fortune and your entire wall filled with rack after rack of CD's. iPods have opened so many doors that allow for infinite possiblities. iPods give the ordinary person access to any song they want. In the past if you wanted a specific song you would either have to wait for hours for it to come onto the radio and then quickly record it onto tapes or you would have to buy a whole CD for one song. iPods are taking us into the future, they save us time, space and money. Who knows with this revolutionary development what other doors will open. Maybe older forms of media, like the radio will become unnecessary as people move into a world dominated by iPods?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Music at our fingertips???

iTunes have made it possible for our infinitive access to the world of music...Every company possible has asssociated itself with iTunes in one way or another giving us maximum exposure to endless audio material... This access has brought us closer to the world of music, encouraging us to increase our knowledge on such a topic. The advantages, well, music knowledge television shows such as "Noot Vir Noot" have become a piece of cake, however, what about the detrimental effects this endless access to music has on our youth of today. With this freedom of music dowloads etc...comes the inability to monitor what sort of music your children are listening to...Artists such as Eminem or Korn...hmmm...well would anyone want their child to be exposed to "burn my dog and kill my cat" type of music? Remember, a childs brain is like a sponge...absorbing everything he or she encounters...Where is the limit if there is endless access to itunes???